DESIRIAL® is a fluid hyaluronic acid-based injectable gel designed to restore hydration, elasticity, tonicity and sensitivity to the vulvo-vaginal area. It is also used to treat vaginal dryness. As the tissues in the vagina start to change, discomfort or a burning feeling may occur, as well as increased sensitivity or chronic irritation and itching, which in time may cause sores. To help counteract these symptoms, Hyaluronic Acid is injected directly into the affected area to limit dryness in the vaginal mucous and improve tissue quality.
When injected, the hyaluronic acid gel directly enters the vulvo-vaginal tissues and efficiently helps rehydrate the zone. The product injected then indirectly creates a mechanical pressure on the cells in the vaginal mucosa, which in turn, stimulates their activity.
Through the stimulation of these cells, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibres is boosted and therefore helps improve the overall quality of the vulvo-vaginal mucosa*.
94% of women have seen an improvement or significant improvement to their quality of life, up to 6 months after treatment with DESIRIAL®**.
- Intimate dryness
- Vaginal discomfort
- Chronic irritation
* Quan T et al, : Enhancing structural support of the dermal microenvironment activates fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and keratinocytes in aged human skin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Mar;133(3):658-67. doi:10.1038/jid.2012.364. Epub 2012 Oct 25.
** A post-marketing follow-up non-interventional, open-label prospective study evaluating the efficacy and safety of DESIRIAL® in its indications for use. Visits at 1 month, 3 months, 6 and 12 months post-injection. The study included 52 patients treated with DESIRIAL®. 42% of the patients had a retouch following the injection. Efficacy parameters evaluated for DESIRIAL® parameters evaluated by the patient: symptoms (dryness, irritation / burning sensation during daily life and sport, itching, dyspareunia), and parameters evaluated by the doctor: vaginal PH, tissue quality (cutaneous and mucous membrane atrophy) and symptoms (abrasions, inflammation, edema, petechiae / bleeding). Treatment-related adverse events described in the leaflets have been reported. These were mainly hematoma / bruising, pain / tenderness / injection pain, swelling / edema, skin rash / erythema. No serious adverse events were reported.
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