Objectives: understand
- what are the best collagen biostimolators on the market, - how different collagen biostimolators work,
- what is the best indications but especially...
- what is the best side of each product and...
- the best use of very known (some of them) and very new collagen stimolators (someother)
- how to avoid complications and get best results
Introduction: collagen biostimolators represent a possibility in our hands to get volume through the production of new collagen. We have a lot of different typs of collagen (more then 30 types) and all collagen biostimolators, all different materials, have a different way of action and create different types of collagen, elastine and or ECM.
then nowadays we have on the market new real hybrid fillers with more ingredients in the same vial, ingredients that are claimed to be synergistic. The stimolation of new collagen is a crucial possibility to improve volumes and aging tissues in the new era of aest.Med.
Materials / method: All 6 invited companies will have time to explain best sides of their products, and their best characteristics. Equal time will be given to all the companies to explain all details of their collagen stimolator. Only proved collagen stimolators have been invited and practicity will be the best target. The preparation of materials will be discussed, their dilution, their best way to use and the best way to avoid complications. If you want ask to the best minds in this field do not miss the session.
Results: all the companies will present their results with their collagen stimolators and how to get these results with their different products.
Conclusion: collagen biostimolators are very old and known fillers and there are also very new hybrid fillers. Will experience with senior fillers teach us on use new brands for better and better results and avoid already seen complications?
All have the characteristic to allow formation of new collagen but they differ a lot each other and also formed collagen differs and is useful in some particular indications.
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