Objectives: Define hybrosomes.
Explain why hybrasomes are more powerful than exosomes alone.
Present scientific data on how telomerase is affected by hybrasomes and alter cell aging
Introduction: Hybrosomes are bio-engineered exosomes. By combining cord blood exosomes with a liposomal agent, a more powerful compound has been developed. Herein, we describe the methods of membrane fusion, demonstrate the effectiveness of hybrosomes and show for the first time, changes in cellular telomerase activity, indicating reversal of aging on the cell level.
Materials / method: Using a patent pending membrane fusion technology, a bovine cord blood exosome has been hybridized with a liposomal agent to create what is called a Hybrosome.
Results: In addition to numerous randomized, double blinded studies showing the effectiveness of Hybrosomes, cell culture of aged fibroblasts revealed a significantly increased level of telomerase enzyme, indicating a reversal of cell aging.
Conclusion: Hybrosomes as well as Plantosomes demonstrated increases in telomerase enzyme activity, indicating reversal of cell aging in skin fibroblasts.
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