- Surgical instruments - Medical instruments - Equipments - Furniture - Disposable supplies
- Energy based devices: Lasers - Lights - Radiofrequency - Ultrasounds
Apyx Medical Corporation is an advanced energy technology company with a passion for elevating people’s lives through innovative products, including its Helium Plasma Technology products marketed and sold as Renuvion® in the cosmetic surgery market and J-Plasma® in the hospital surgical market. Renuvion uses helium plasma and radiofrequency energy to contract tissue, pulling the skin closer to the muscle, leaving patients with a younger and tighter-looking appearance. Renuvion's safety and efficacy are documented in 85+ clinical papers, abstracts, and posters. Renuvion has received six new FDA clearances, and holds three unique indications, including being the only product FDA-cleared for use after liposuction, and the only product FDA-cleared for subcutaneous tissue contraction.