To apply for a booth space, a company should place an order through the IMCAS online platform
To know which booth spaces are available, check out the interactive map:
If the booth you would like to book is unavailable, we are able to put you on a waiting list for your particular needs (eg. for a specific level). To do so, please contact the sales team by email with your requirements and our team would be happy to assist you as possible.
To book a booth you will need to provide us with the following details:
Within the exhibition, some booths require a specific sponsorship level while others do not. Booths with a minimum sponsorship level can only be booked once the required level is met. The sponsorship level required is based on its booth size and its location.
The minimum sponsorship level required refers to the minimum investment that must be reached to be able to confirm the checkout with the booth you have selected.
To reach the sponsorship level the following amounts are taken into consideration:
A certain number of exhibitor badges are automatically included depending on the sponsorship level.
Please note that depending on the congress, the booth construction might be taken into consideration within the sponsorship level. However, in most cases, this is an additional product and does not count towards a sponsorship.
If you would like to book a booth only without any other products, we recommend booking a booth with "standard sponsorship" required. This means that no minimum investment required to book the booth.
Each company can only book one booth. We strictly comply with this rule for several reasons:
Directly on the exhibition map here. Place your mouse over the red booths to see which company has reserved it under "Booked by".
To see the full list of who is attending, simply refer to the Sponsor List - Once you are on the list you can:
The companies on "the sponsor in progress" list are potential exhibiting companies which have contacted us and shown interest in our upcoming event.
NOTA: IMCAS reserves the right to modify the floor plan at any time. After assignment of space, exhibitors agree to be relocated to other comparable space, if necessary, and this is under the judgement of the Organizer.
Yes, you can. Refer to the list of products that can be sponsored without exhibiting here on the online platform.
Other products require the booking of a booth.
The Priority Point System is designed to reward your loyalty and the level of your support.
The system encourages consistency and transparency in the allocation of exhibition space. To put simply, the higher the number of an exhibitor's total priority points, the better access they will have to the preferred exhibit space and other benefits.
Learn everything you need to know about PPS, such as criteria, allocation, groups and regulations here.
Only possible before deadline, see details below:
6. Check the following first, online:All booths are booked strictly and only through the online platform on a first-come, first-served basis.
Advanced booking of booths, before the opening of the platform, is not allowed.
If you want to be among the first to receive the Exhibitor Guide once it is ready, we advise you to send an email to:
Exhibitors are strictly forbidden from subleasing any reserved spaces to a secondary party, including but not limited to company divisions, external partners or societies, or any secondary legal agents. Any violation of this agreement will result in the immediate expulsion of one or both parties.
The distribution of both direct and indirect promotional signage, brands, and products outside of the operational scope of the participating exhibitor is also prohibited. Any items that do not conform with this standard with be removed immediately without renumeration. IMCAS maintains all rights to determine the validity of the product(s) in question and to take further penalty action in accordance with IMCAS regulations and the extent of the violation.
Yes! If you would like to visit during the congress, you can register for a 1-hour guided visit organized onsite by our staff. Our guide will show you the conference rooms, exhibition hall and the amenities, but you will not be able to get around by yourself inside the congress area.
To register for the guided visit, please contact us here with your full name, phone number and email address.
Subject to availability Please make your requests at least 2 months prior the congress.
IMCAS loyalty program (PPS - Priority Point System) encourages consistency and transparency in the allocation of the exhibition space and products. All products are subject to availability. In case of overbooking, purchase orders will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. In case of a prior offer of the same product at the time of its receipt, IMCAS reserves the right to withdraw the product chosen. In such event, IMCAS will get in contact to notify and discuss further alternative options.
By submitting the Purchase Order through our online portal, the buyer formally makes a legally binding offer
to IMCAS. On your email, you will be immediately acknowledged with the corresponding invoice.
Within the following 72 hours after its receipt, the asked deposit should be paid.
Kindly note that:
Payment deadlines:
Booking more than 4 months* ahead of the congress:
Booking within 4 months* ahead of the congress:
Payment options:
IMPORTANT: Payment failure within deadline will automatically offset your order and the products will be released and made available for booking by other registrants.
*Please check the exhibitor guide and your invoice for the exact dates.
**Payment link generated upon request additional fees might by applied for congresses held outside of France.
Cancellation must be made in writing.
- payment failure for the cancellation fee will lead to a low credit rating which will affect your next participation on all of our future congresses
- if the congress is in HYBRID FORMAT (on site and online), and in case of a Force Majeure on the exhibitor’s side publicly assessed by local authorities, the exhibitor can:
*please check the exhibitor guide and your invoice for the exact dates.
**not applicable for any products which have already been delivered
Please note that while speakers, exhibitions and sessions were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations.
As such, IMCAS reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers, exhibitions and sessions if necessary, without liability. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our portal and notified as soon as possible.
Force Majeure
IMCAS shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event the congress is cancelled, rescheduled OR changed into another format as a result of a "Force Majeure" event beyond its reasonable control. For the purposes of this clause, Force Majeure events shall include, but not limited to general and labor strikes, invasions, hostilities, war, rioting or similar situations, health emergencies, acts of government or state* such as lockdown and quarantine measures, immigration and transport or on site restrictions, and acts of nature such as fires, floods, extreme weather or other emergency.
A - If IMCAS determines that the congress needs to be cancelled as a result of a Force Majeure event, the refund policy applied will depend on the conference format:
B - If IMCAS determines that the congress needs to be rescheduled as a result of a Force Majeure event, registration remains binding and registrant will be entitled to participate to the rescheduled congress without any further refund right. If the registrant is not able to assist to the rescheduled congress, general cancellation policies rules as set above will apply.
C - If IMCAS determines that the congress needs to be switched from HYBRID to VIRTUAL format as a result of a Force Majeure event, sponsor may go for choice 1 or choice 2:
IMCAS shall assume no further obligation to refund any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the registrant in case the event is cancelled, rescheduled, or changed into another format as a result of a Force Majeure event.
*government or state means both "France and the country where the concerned conference is held"
**please check the exhibitor guide and your invoice for the exact dates, numbers and portion/percentages.
***no refund for any products which have already been delivered
Governing Law
The construction, validity and performance of the present terms are exclusively governed by the laws of France (which is the home country of the mother company COMEXPOSIUM HEALTHCARE) without reference or regard to principles of conflicts of law. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France, located in Paris.
Depending on multiple aspects (i.e. country regulations, type of products, target audience), companies in healthcare, pharmaceutical and medical device industries often develop internal compliance terms which adapt to the regulatory environment, moderate risks and enhance confidence between customers, suppliers and investors.
These terms are gathered into what we - at IMCAS - call a Corporate Internal Compliance Service Policy (CICSP).
CICSP are all different and may take the form of "Purchase Order", "Service Agreement", etc…Additionally, they might comprise 3 pages or 50 pages, and might include complex legal terms or sentences. Thus, nowadays, it becomes rather impossible for our team to review each sentence and get sure no one sentence or word supersede our own Terms and Conditions of Sale.
This is why, in any of external documents that involve IMCAS products:
Please see the steps below to complete an order:
1. Once the formal decision to switch from physical/hybrid to virtual has been announced:
2. If the newly issued invoice is higher than the minimum spend required of 40%, no further action is required. Standard cancellation policy** applies should you choose to fully cancel your participation.
3. If the newly issued invoice is lower than the minimum spend required of 40%, then you must add more products to reach 40% of the original investment*:
Standard cancellation policy** applies should you choose to fully cancel your participation.
*As outlined in Limitations of Liability – Force Majeure, C/Choice 1. Check the exhibitor guide and your invoice for the exact dates, numbers and portion/percentages.
**As outlined in Cancellation policy. Check the exhibitor guide and your invoice for the exact dates, numbers and portion/percentages.
Check out the key moments online. Concerning booth set up, each exhibitor is allotted a specific timeslot according to booth size and type of equipment.
Your allotted set up time slot is available for view from your company account , under booth —> Product details. Please respect these timings as they ensure smooth running of the exhibition. Any overtime during booth set up or dismantling is billed to the exhibitor.
In order to ensure everyone's safety, we ask for all exhibitors to comply to these safety standards during set up:
Space is delivered raw (empty - no partitions, flooring, or electricity), ready for construction and decoration by your company.
IMCAS has partnered with the best booth construction company to offer you a top customized 'all inclusive' booth at a very competitive price. We are charging a flat 10% margin on prices applied by our appointed booth constructor. You can benefit from fantastic prices and the facility of adding this service to your cart.
There are two possibilities:
OPTION 1 > Order the construction option for your booth
If you choose to go for booth construction, please keep in mind that:
Click here and select one of the construction options for more information.
OPTION 2 > Contact an independent booth constructor
You may contact and bring your own supplier. The information of our booth constructor is available through your company account, should you need to obtain a second quotation.
NOTA: Your booth layout and design must be submitted via your company account for approval. Once it is approved, in order to verify that the booth being built corresponds to the design previously sent, this layout is checked on-site during set up. Should the booth building not coincide with your layout, IMCAS reserves the right to amend or stop the construction. Please refer to chapter 3.4 Are there specific design requirements for my booth? to see the requirements that will be checked on your submission
Within the constraints of the contact between you and your chosen booth constructor (supplier), IMCAS does not and is not eligible to have any role between the aforementioned parties and any issue is to be strictly solved by you and your suppliers.
The main specificities that will be checked on your booth design:
It is MANDATORY to submit the 3D booth design for a raw space booth. The design must include the following, and should be submitted through your company account:
If you are an external booth constructor here is some vital information that you need:
The exhibiting company is the sole client binded with a contract and as such, all invoices matters should be directly dealt between IMCAS and the exhibiting company. Constructors and all other suppliers are not allowed to contact directly IMCAS representatives regarding any invoicing or billing issue. Any matter regarding the exhibiting company and its suppliers/contractors should stay at its own concern.
For more information make sure to read the LOGISTICS PLANNING on your company account.
Once you have confirmed your sponsorship, you can order services/furniture of your choice. Log in to your company account and order it via the Exhibitor Services tab.
You can also directly contact the congress official booth constructor / service supplier (details can be found in Exhibitor Services).
1. Make a list of the equipment you will need to plug in: coffee machine, computers, cell phone charges, mini-fridge, LED display, devices, etc.
2. For each, multiply the device's volts by its amps to obtain the consumption on kW. If you don;t have the user manuals, the voltage is usually listed on the back or the bottom of each device. You can also ask the services providers from whom you hired the equipment.
3. Add up the total kW ad your are done!
A company may insert a presentation (oral lecture or e-poster) within the congress program under the two following categories:
1/ An educational grant within a scientific session
Lectures placed under an educational grant are scheduled within the scientific program and as such, their content is expected to be purely scientific. In compliance with the rules of our accreditation bodies, lectures and lecture titles in the scientific program must not contain any promotional content, branded slides, or company logos.
You are able to suggest speaker(s) and topic(s) to be vetted by the Scientific Committee.
Learn more about educational grants HERE, and check out the available opportunities HERE.
2/ A sponsorship within a sponsored session
These sessions are presented in an array of different formats which can be found HERE. The content of these sessions is under the complete responsability of the sponsoring company.
Nota: speakers involved in sponsored activities may be considered by the IMCAS Scientific Board to speak or to chair in other scientific session(s). IMCAS considers that such scientific sessions do not enter in conflict with any sponsorship agreement and that speakers should not be restricted to speak only within designated sponsored sessions.
Otherwise, a speaker may submit an abstract as an independent speaker (i.e. not related to a company in any way) HERE for the Scientific Board's consideration. The Guidelines and Conflict of Interest Policy should be carefully read before any abstract submission.
Should the abstract be selected, the corresponding lecture will be inserted within the scientific program. The abstract status can be checked on the speaker account.
How time-slots are assigned and scheduled:
> Decoration:
Decoration and promotional material (e.g. branded pullup banner) can be set up at the beginning of your symposium. If your symposium is right after a lunch or a coffee break you may use that time to set up.
> Distribution of products to attendees:
Surveys, questionnaires, goodies, flyers, etc. can be given to attendees as they enter the room or during the symposium. Previous sessions may not be interrupted for this purpose. You may place the objects on the seats in the room only if your symposium is after a coffee or lunch break.
> AV experience:
- Either through the IMCAS expert AV team, obtain a quote by a consultation with our AV director HERE
- or through an AV supplier of your choice, refer to this option HERE and get back to for prior permission. No late adjustments will be allowed onsite.
Please check the Symposium Planning online for the assignments and schedules.
To perform a invasive/minimal invasive treatment on a live patient, four conditions must be met (practitioner, product, venue and requirements):
CONDITION 1. The PRACTITIONER performing the medical act should:
CONDITION 2. The PRODUCT or device used should be registered or legally authorized by the local authorities within the congress country.
NOTA: Live demonstrations of procedures/products/devices dealing with PRP or vulvovaginal treatments are strictly forbidden and cannot be performed during IMCAS congresses.
CONDITION 3. The VENUE where the live demo is performed follows these regulations:
for BOOTH space:
Live treatments are not permitted on booths1. Product/device to be used:
- brand name (eg 'Restylane for hyaluronic acid' or 'UltraShape for energy based device')
- technical characteristics ('pharmacology for product' or 'technical data for device')
- certificate of registration in congress country
2. Process of the demonstration:
- is the product/device being demonstrated on a living patient?
- is the product/device being demonstrated by a doctor?
- which area will be treated?
- data of the demonstrator
(last name - first name - email - medical specialty or function within company - country)
- description of the set up of the demonstration on your booth
3. Timings of the demonstration:
- dates and times
- duration
Live treatments are to be performed:for TRAINING LAB:
Under all circumstances there can be a maximum of 10-15 people in the Training Lab at all times.Please note that for any live demonstration, the company is entirely responsible from A to Z of its performance. IMCAS is not to be held responsible for any step of the procedure.
Upon purchasing any product involving a live demonstration, you are sent a detailed step-by-step email (approximately 2 months ahead of the congress date) which we ask you to read carefully. It contains important information such as the location of the demonstration rooms, material and logistical requirements, times, and all other details to ensure that the event runs smoothly.
Please see an example of the rooms set-up: click here
and the materials we ask you to bring for any live demonstrations: click here
- must apply Betadine/dermal alcohol on treated area (for body treatments)
- must apply colorless antiseptic solution on treated area (for face treatments)
- must remove all underwear and jewellery (for body treatments)
- must remove all makeup, piercings, earrings, and jewellery (for face treatments)
- must wear a cap or headband (for face treatments)
- must use surgical drape covering the treatment bed (for body treatments)
- must wear a surgical mask (for body treatment)
- must remove all jewellery and watches (for any treatment)
- must wear sterilized gloves (for any treatment)
- must wear a surgical cap (for any treatment)
- must plan for post-treatment follow-up of the patient (via prescription or appointment)
Depending on the corresponding legal environment of the congress location, our Scientific Committee may require that live demonstrations during a symposium be performed in a medicalized establishment, either a third entity (e.g. a clinic, hospital room) or a treatment room at the congress venue and broadcasted to the conference room where the audience are seated.
The allotted treatment room timeslots are available to view from your company account logistics planning -->3. Sponsored activity & granting lecture planning
To see how to handle patient logistics and utilize the patient preparation area, refer to section 4.6.
Here are the vital points when recruiting patients for your demonstration:
a. Patient recruitment
Therefore, it is best that the supporting company is in charge of hiring and accommodating the patient(s) for their sponsored activities.
> Decoration:
- For one day booking room:
IMCAS is a congress created by physicians, for physicians (Medical Doctors). Access to the congress and sessions is subject to a number of regulations that aim to guarantee the scientific independence of the congress and preserve it from any commercial bias or influence. A precise badge policy has been implemented specifying the rules of admittance to the different areas of the congress, complying with the criteria required by the CME accreditation organizations and scientific society partners.
According to each badge type, a full or partial access is issued (after verification of required supporting documents). In this regard, in respect of the local policies towards medical aesthetic treatments, no admittance to the congress sessions is allowed for dentists. IMCAS is authorized to take measures which may lead to the withdrawal of the badge and the denial of access to the congress area if the badge policy is violated.
Consequently, no speaking activities in the congress sessions (i.e., all scientific sessions, symposia, live demonstrations, and industry guest lectures) is allowed for dentists.
Nota: an "Industry speaker" badge is automatically provided for industry speakers invited by an exhibiting company. That badge grants access to the sponsored sessions and the exhibition hall only.
Should industry speakers want to have access to the scientific sessions, an additional registration is mandatory. The company can register industry speakers for a full-access badge directly through their online company account.
It is mandatory to upload your presentation materials in the congress server (direct plug-in of a USB drive or a laptop is not allowed in the conference rooms).
Two options are available:
> the Online Preview (on your speaker account) which is open for 1 to 2 weeks prior to the congress start
> the On-Site Preview (at the congress venue) which is open on all congress days
How do speakers upload their talks through the Online Preview?
-Login to your speaker account
-Open the speaker account dashboard of the congress
-Click on the "Lecture schedule" menu
-Upload your file(s) for each lecture where it is applicable from the column "Presentation file"
Online Preview guidelines:
-Please only upload *finalized* presentations
-PowerPoint (.pptx) and Keynote (.key) are supported
-Files must be under 2 Go
Once the Online Preview is closed, all talks must be uploaded directly at the congress venue. Only speakers can access the Speaker Preview Room
NOTA: it is not permitted for your speaker(s) to directly plugin their storage device on the laptops within the conference room. Make sure all digital presentations are uploaded on our Central Server at the Preview Room prior to your speaker’s lecture.
We remind you that IMCAS holds the copyright to all educational materials presented or derived from its meetings, such as: video recordings of live demonstrations / symposia / handouts / posters / abstracts / presentation synopses. The information presented during IMCAS congresses may not be published or broadcasted in any media in its original format (except for news releases).
Consequently, all sponsored sessions such as live demos, symposia, and guest lectures are derivative products of IMCAS and the property of IMCAS.
Each speaker is requested to submit their declaration of consent prior to their presentation on whether they agree to be recorded so that the corresponding video can be published on IMCAS Academy.
Each approved video is edited by our AV team (video, quality, lighting, angle, audio, etc.). The AV team also makes sure that every patient in all materials (slides, pictures, demonstration, etc.) demonstrated within the videos are unrecognizable by blurring the patient eyes (or the rest of the face, depending on the procedure).
Bringing in any cameras or devices from an external supplier is required to obtain an approval from IMCAS secretariat and may incur additional costs. In most cases, they should only be used for immediate purpose - no recording for future use is authorized. Contact your sales representative for more information, should you wish to bring in additional AV crew.
Great news! Your sponsored activity can easily be published on IMCAS Academy and reach over 47,000 registered members (and growing).
Keep in mind that for a lecture to be placed in the IMCAS Academy library, the speaker (and patient) must sign a consent form agreeing to its publication.
If you would like to specifically promote your product(s) and studies to the IMCAS Academy community, we suggest organizing a sponsored webinar.
You will be able to define a moderator, gather specialists on the chosen subject, and optionally perform live demonstrations. The webinar will appear as a sponsored session and branded with your company's logo. IMCAS will provide logistics, communication and the platform (similarly to a symposium at a congress). All IMCAS Academy members may watch it live or replay at any time. Non-members can create a free account to gain access.
Check here for an example of a sponsored webinar - This product can be ordered directly from the IMCAS Academy product catalog
All orders for reserving a meeting room/training lab must be done through the online platform. No demand for rooms will be accepted by phone or by email.
You can choose the date, time, and location of the meeting room/training lab when processing your order. Change of room rental is only possible if the new required room is available and of equal/higher value. If these criteria are met, then the Sales Team can proceed, per your instructions, to provide you with the alternative room (upon approval). Please contact the team by sending an email to with your request after checking availability on our booking platform.
Please check your exhibitor ID on the training labs and meeting rooms document online for the latest information.
To check your assigned location or schedule you will need your exhibitor ID. This number can be found through your company account along with all of the information above via your logistic planning tab. Please note that you must be logged in to have access.
You are entirely responsible of the organization, promotion and activities held within the room/training lab. However, you are asked to provide a topic and objectives of your planned activities within a training lab, along with certification of any product you may use. IMCAS is not to be held responsible for any act deriving from the use of these spaces.
IMCAS reserves the right to reassign other comparable rooms as per space limitations, safety & legislation matters.
NOTA: Exhibitors cannot sublease the room that was booked to another society that would not be a division of the same company or a legally authorized agent. Valid evidence (authorized agent contract or society status) must be presented to IMCAS to receive authorization. Any violation of this agreement will result in the immediate expulsion of one or both parties.
All promotional materials should reach our consignee within the timeslot specified within your company account. The date and delivery instructions are provided to you by the Industry Department within this platform as an instructional file for download.
The company account includes all the information you need to know and submit for participating as an exhibitor at the congress.
It contains information such as:
It requires information such as:
All required information has to be uploaded online through your company account and only Information submitted through the platform will be taken into account.
Click here to read the company account user manual to learn how to operate the platform.
You should be able to access your company account by logging into your personal account. If it is not the case, please contact the IMCAS industry team.
Signage locations are selected directly from the product page. Simply select the available location before adding to your cart.
All assignments are completely transparent and you can view the signage map online at any time
To recheck your location or schedule you can do so through your company account LOGISTICS PLANNING. Please note that you must be logged in to have access.
All exhibitors have the obligation to comply with the IMCAS non-competition policy:
a) A firm or a laboratory exhibiting cannot organize any seminars, workshops, courses involving delegates (registered doctors, nurses, etc.) during the:
All such events should be organized through the Organizer - Ad Boards, Meetings, Trainings, Social Events - all available through the product catalog.
b) If IMCAS does not offer the type of event you require and your organisation of this event has been agreed to by the Secretariat, the event should additionally obtain the approval of the Scientific Committee with regards to the good practices of the art of medicine by submitting:
c) If agreed by the Secretariat, the event should not demand any registration fee from any of its attendees
Collection, process and usage of personal data by IMCAS are in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Check chapter 9 for details.
In relation to personal data to be shared for badge scanning activity, this information:
IMCAS Academy now offers the opportunity for a company to have its own dedicated webpage, free to design and to fill with any product information, news articles, company profile, etc. In addition, the page contains all the company's webinars and sponsored content made during IMCAS congresses with excellent visibility towards all our members and website visitors. It functions as an all-in-one platform to showcase a company.
You can view the dedicated product through the IMCAS Academy platform.
An Educational Grant is a form of unconditioned financial support. The funds are allocated to cover specific costs of the activity that are related to the provision of a balanced, accurate and scientifically independent activity.
A breakdown of the fund allocation is detailed on the "Educational grant - Activity details" document, available for download from each product listing
Grants are the way for the industry to support unbiased evidence-based medicine, since the scientific content is entirely developed and chosen by the Scientific Committee. In turn, due to their objective and protected status, these sessions are eligible for CME Accreditation.
Following a session that has been granted, the company will receive a duly completed report with the following :Educational grant sessions are eligible for medical continuous education credits. Therefore, they differ from a sponsored session as they have to comply with the rules of accrediting organizations.
1/ Content The content of an educational grant session is the same as a scientific session. - Studies must be from a strictly scientific and technical perspective. - The lecture title, content and abstract must remain strictly unbiased and cannot contain any product/device/company name nor any brand names. Submissions will be decline if they utilize any materials that have been created by a commercial entity and include promotional messages and/or corporate logos. - The Generic terms or pharmacopeia names should be used and only the technical characteristics of a product/device should be described. - Should you require to make a comparative study, brand names can be stated only if they are stated in comparison with other brand names.
2/ Speaker The speaker must hold a PhD or be a certified physician.
Both content and speaker are chosen and selected by IMCAS Scientific Board, who makes the final decision.
In case of an educational grant with lecture, your company suggests one speaker and one topic. In case of an educational grant with visual support, your support is visible through logo placements online.
In most cases, only 1 company can grant a webinar, however there are a few special webinars with multiple supporters - please check the products available for the date and theme of your choice by checking the product page on IMCAS Academy.
In both cases, the topics and program are under the sole responsibility of the IMCAS Academy Scientific Committee and the content remain strictly scientific (non-sponsored).
Check here for an example of a granted webinar.
Only companies with a booth can perform a survey during the congress, under the following conditions:
Please note that IMCAS reserves the right to cancel the authorization if the survey disturbs the circulation of the congress, and as consequence, affects the safety of its participants.
If you would like conduct an online survey, please do so by ordering the survey product through our website
A live speech refers to a lecture/presentation given for a determined amount of time directly on your booth by the speaker of your choice.
To perform a live speech on your booth prior written consent and agreement from IMCAS must be obtained.
Authorization is dependent on:
If you would like to perform a live speech on your booth, please email the sales team with the following information:
If you would like to perform a live demonstration on your booth, please refer to section 4 of the FAQ.
Any purchase made by an attendee should be done in exchange for an official invoice. This requires your company to be legally registered in the country where the congress is taking place.
If your company is not registered, then you have 2 options;
It is the exhibitor's responsibility to obtain the corresponding marketing and commercialization licenses of the products that are displayed, promoted or utilized during the event.
The product or device has to be legally authorized by the local authorities within the country where the event is held. Unlicensed products are strictly prohibited from being sold.
Please note that some countries may accept exhibit unregistered products with a ‘Temporary Import Licence’. This license can be obtained from a supplier of your choice or the official freight forwarder.
Leaflet or other promotional material may not be distributed from anywhere other than the exhibition booths. Leaflets distributed at any other point throughout the venue will be removed by the Organizer.
The number of included badges is determined by your sponsorship level (ie your total investment), regardless if the company has exceptionally booked two booths. The amount of badges per sponsorship level can be verified on the exhibitor guide.
When registering, the complete contact details of the attendee are requested. Badges are nominative, therefore, once the registration has been treated and validated, it cannot be modified.
IMCAS automatically provides this badge to the company's selected speaker. These badges are nominative and MUST be used by the speaker of the sponsored activity whether he/she will present during their symposium, live demonstration, or sponsored/granted lecture. These badges cannot be transferred or shared with another person and gives the speaker access to their own lecture(s), sponsored sessions, and the exhibition area (if any) only.
If you would like to provide your speaker with a Physician badge in order to access all of the scientific sessions (and get a certificate of participation), you can order the physician badge one by one (or in a group to get a discounted rate) through your company account .
Exhibitor badges have access to the exhibition space and sponsored sessions.
Access to scientific sessions is granted to attendees with «delegate» type badges only. Should you wish to attend these sessions, your exhibitor badge needs to be upgraded for an additional fee, payable either at the welcome desk of the conference or by sending us an email at
As an accreditted medical conference, we are entrusted to respect each specialty and promote the safe medical practice. For this reason, we must maintain the access to scientific sessions limited to physicians or non-physicians who practice in a medical environment; learn more about this access distribution
Each badge is nominative, which is why each attendee should retrieve his/her badge him/herself at the dedicated welcome desk onsite:
by presenting the following:
Refer to the chapter key moments under "Plan your trip" tab on our website to learn more about Registration Desk opening hours.
You are most welcome to bring your own photographer.
To register your photographer, please follow these steps:
If you would like a list of photographers we use, please let us know and we can send one according to your needs.
If you require accomodation during the congress, refer to the hotel reservation chapter under the "Plan your trip" tab on our website to learn more
Starting at 15 badges you can take advantage of great savings on registrations!
The more badges you purchase, higher the discount!
Connect to your company account to read the group registration guidelines.
For more information on how to proceed, please refer to our FAQ 8.9.
Each company registered for our congress can benefit from the Group Registration Platform using the following process:
1. Connect to your company account and go to "Group Registration".
2. Administrator opens the registration list(s), and assigns one Manager per list.
3. Each Manager receives an email containing login/password and instructions to proceed
4. Managers fill in registration list(s) with their participants’ details
5. When the deadline for modifications is reached, registration list(s) are automatically closed up
6. Each Manager receives an immediate automatic acknowledgement with the corresponding invoice
7. Payment should follow on our bank account within the following 72 hours
8. Managers can download all confirmation letters when the general amount due is cleared off in our bank account
If you want to take advantage of Group Registration and have any questions, please feel free to contact
The IMCAS database is declared to the National Commission of Information and Liberties (CNIL), under the number 1161141. As such, IMCAS is not allowed to transfer any data belonging to its database, to any external company.
To obtain a list of attendees, we advise you purchase the appropriate products
1) For congresses: rent a badge scanner onsite. Once you have signed the confidentiality agreement, badge scanner data is then emailed within the 2 weeks following the conference.
NOTA: Specifically in relation to the 'Badge Scanner’ product we have implemented the process below, complying with new data protection laws:
2) For webinars: purchase the product lead as an option to your sponsored webinar. Once you have signed the confidentiality agreement, data for the registered viewers, live viewers and replay viewers are provided.
NOTA: Specifically in relation to the 'Lead’ product we have implemented the process below, complying with new data protection laws:
IMCAS does not share any information regarding the Faculty or about the IMCAS grant policy with any external entity. Only the Faculty member himself can choose share to share his/her personal information or any information regarding his/her faculty grant.
The total number of attendees is announced at the end of congress. The last report of each congress is published online:
In order for IMCAS to provide both attendees and exhibitors with the highest quality, the organization and logistics of all services used for events and/or activities during an IMCAS Congress must be arranged directly through the IMCAS secretariat.
Therefore, for the use of ANY external service providers, previous approval from IMCAS Secretariat must be received.
> Should your company wish to use an external provider for services that are provided directly by IMCAS, additional service charges will apply.
This policy guarantees the mastering of all the services taking place during the events from A to Z.
The safety of attendees and participants is our main concern, therefore there are three factors to be taken into consideration:
For the rest, enjoy the city and take advantage of you trip. Make sure to take a look at the Plan your trip section of the website to view fun activities to enjoy.
In case of Force Majeure, the event may be moved to a different date or location, cancelled altogether, or the time frame changed as a result of incidents beyond anyone’s control, extenuating circumstances out of the control of IMCAS (such as but not limited to general strike, invasions, hostilities, war, rioting, health emergencies, or similar situations which prevent performance of the contract) or acts-of-God (such as but not limited to epidemics, floods, volcanic eruption, earthquakes or other convulsions of nature and other acts).
In the case of a cancellation caused by, or resulting from, directly or indirectly a Force Majeure (as such term is defined in the preceding sentence), a specific cancellation and refund policy applies. Please refer to chapter 2.6. Limitation of Liability and the exhibitor guide for details.
All participating exhibitors must be fully insured including, but not limited to risks to their property and goods, public liability, and loss or damage caused by circumstantial reasons such as fire, water, theft, and accidents, and to third party liabilities, and this document may be demanded at anytime by the organizer.
Exhibitor shall insure against indemnify and hold IMCAS harmless with respect to all costs, claims, demands and expenses to which IMCAS may in any way be subjected as a result of any loss to the public or any persons present at the event, caused as a result of any act of the default of the exhibitors and their affiliates, agents and contractors.
The insurance must cover any and all third party claims and damages resulting from or arising from any negligence, acts or omissions, or willful misconduct of the Exhibitor, its directors, officers, employees, representatives, contractors, invitees or guests*.
IMCAS shall not be therefore liable to the exhibitor or to any other person for
IMCAS should not be held responsible for any stolen goods before, during and after the congress. the exhibiting company must survey its belongings at all times.
*For example: If an accident of any kind were to occur during a demonstration or lecture, caused by a company representative or speaker invited by the company, which happened to damage the venue or any of it's properly, the company and the speaker are to be held responsible and their insurance should cover the incident, providing answer to the claim.
At IMCAS, we have always prioritized the well-being of our attendees, speakers and sponsors at all levels. Protect yourself and others from covid-19.
Discover the sanitary measures and requirements for entering the congress HERE.
There are set of rules to obey on the exhibition floor, to ensure smooth and safe running of a congress.
The Rules and Regulations document should be filled in by exhibiting companies and it has been generalized for all IMCAS conferences and applies for all exhibitors.
It is aimed at:
1. Labor law
2. Customs (for materials or products from abroad)
3. Hygiene (for food or animal species)
4. Products licences: it is the exhibitors responsibility to obtain the corresponding marketing and commercialization licences of the products that are displayed, promoted or utilized during the event.
The product or device has to be legally authorized by the local authorities within the country where the event is held. Products without a license are not permitted to be promoted
5. Medical licences: any medical act organized by the Exhibitor during the event shall be executed by physicians qualified and licensed to do so following the law and regulations of the country where the event takes place. Please note that many country’s demand to process a ‘Temporary Licence’ for the physician to legally perform a medical act/application. Please refer to chapter 4.4. How can I perform a live demonstration? for further details.
Pictures (photographs or videos) may be allowed on written permission of the organizer, within the precincts of the event. This authorization may be withdrawn at any time. A test of all the shots will be given to the organizer within fifteen days following the close of the event. Pictures and videos are never allowed during sessions.
Please see chapter 8.6. How can I register our personal photographer? for steps in registering a photographer.
Shooting by visitors is prohibited by IMCAS. The photograph of some object in the booths may be prohibited to demand and to the diligence of the exhibitors.
The Exhibitor is obliged to allow photography of its stand and / or objects exposed by the services of professional staff of IMCAS or authorized by it. These shots are likely to be used later in any catalog or advertising material published by the organizer, without the Exhibitor being entitled to any compensation in return.
IMCAS holds the copyright to all educational materials presented or derived from its meetings, such as: video recordings of live demonstrations / symposia / handouts / posters / abstracts / presentation synopses. The information presented during IMCAS congresses may not be published or broadcasted in any media in its original format (except for news releases). Consequently, all sponsored sessions such as, live demos, symposia, guest lectures are derivative products of IMCAS and the property of IMCAS.
Once any purchased product has been delivered, you are invited to share with us any comment or suggestion you may have on this product!
In addition, you will be asked, at the end of each conference, to submit your evaluation form in which you will be able to give some feedback on the congress. We also welcome feedback from our exhibitors all year round.
Please send your comments and suggestions to
We value your feedback and continue working together to make any upcoming events an asset for all of us.
The global health crisis in 2020 has pushed events worldwide to reconsider and switch their format from physical to virtual.
At IMCAS we believe that a physical gathering is crucial for a successful learning experience with meaningful interactions and exchange of ideas, and our conferences aim to remain in the physical format as much as possible.
But, and because "Something good comes out of every crisis" (Dave Pelzer), our physical conferences are now complemented with a complete virtual experience to be delivered as a HYBRID format.
While our signature educational experience with human contact stays at our forefront, we also understand that some participants may not be able to attend the congress physically. Therefore all participants are offered the possibility of switching from a physical badge to a virtual one.
This new HYBRID conference format (physical and virtual) ensures that attendees across the world do not miss any scientific content, and expands your reach as an sponsor as you are no longer limited by the boundaries of your booth space.
Should it be really impossible to hold a physical part of the conference, then the conference will switch to a virtual format. (check chapter 11.3)
For complete explanation about "virtual attendance", please check out our FAQ delegates 4.1.
Depending on the conference format, your participation is as follows:
• If the conference format is "hybrid", the sponsor is to book a physical booth as usual (alongside any other products from the product catalog). They may choose to, and are strongly encouraged to complement their participation with an online presence within the virtual platform
• If the conference format is "virtual", the sponsor will have a uniquely virtual participation to reach their worldwide audiences and customers.
Our sponsor guide clearly states which product are virtually deliverable.
There are still many uncertainties in France and around the world. As an international congress organizer we factor in local governing laws, guidelines of the host country, as well as taking into consideration any restrictions from our attendees’ home countries.
As outlined in Chapter 2.6. Limitation of liability,
any change in format would only result from Force Majeure or in case of failure to meet the pre-determined number of physical registrations. This second safety net is designed to protect your investment as a sponsor by ensuring you always have a full audience for your marketing efforts.
Any change in format will be followed through with clear communication and policies, precise and fair for our speakers, delegates and sponsors.