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Clinic Director (non-physician)

Dr Kai-Uwe Schlaudraff graduated from Medical School at the University of Freiburg where he received his MD degree in fundamental and clinical research on angiogenesis and growth factors in cardiovascular surgery. After having trained in London and Paris he completed his general surgery residency in Basel and received his training in plastic surgery as a resident and registrar at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG).He currently practices in his private clinic in Geneva with a special clinical interest in body contouring through VASER ultrasound assisted liposuction as well as breast surgery. Dr Schlaudraff is part of various research projects and clinical work with a focus on adipose derived stem cells, fat grafting and regenerative treatments for face and body. As a medical consultant Dr Schlaudraff is also working with several companies in the development of innovative treatments in dermatology and plastic surgery. Dr Schlaudraff is Board Certified by the Swiss (FMH) and the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS) and is a member of the Swiss (SSCPRE) (SSCE), American (ASAPS) and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). He has been invited to 150+ scientific lectures at International congresses and serves as Treasurer of the International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and on the board of the Swiss Aesthetic Surgery Society. He also is Section Editor of the international journal 'Aesthetic Plastic Surgery' for fat grafting and stem cell treatments, Scientific Board Member of the Swiss Stem Cell Foundation (SSCF) and Governor of the Aesthetic Stem Cell Society (ASCS).

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Kai Uwe SCHLAUDRAFF's scientific societies (5)