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Curriculum Dr. Luciana Macedo

*Dr. Luciana is a pioneer in NeuroAesthetics and has given numerous lectures at congresses in Brazil and abroad since 2003. Her first researches were in the specialization in Integrative Medicine at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and recently she had her Neuroscience specialization and is doing researches in neuroaesthetics developing studies and research correlating Neuroscience and Visagism in the application of facial aesthetic procedures.

* Dermatologist, double board certified member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) and the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery.

* Director of Clínica Luciana Macedo since 2001 and Medical Supervisor of Clínica Expert Laser since 2018.

* Head of Cosmiatry of the Dermatology Residency at Hospital Heliópolis from 2016 to 2023- service accredited by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD)

* Coordinator of Doctor Training and Holos Face Academy – hands on courses and advanced workshops for doctors since 2006.

* Creator of the concept Holos Face, which unites Neuroscience and Visagism applied to integrative cosmiatry, and researches the interrelationships of aesthetic procedures with visual language, psychology of emotions and psychology of self-image.

* Board certified Dermatologyst

* Board certified specialist in Internal Medicine 

* Graduation in Medicine – UNIVÁS – MG – 1995. 

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