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IMCAS World Congress 2016


Simplifying rhinoplasty: all you need to know

Sala: Room 3
Fecha: jueves 28 enero 2016 de 09:00 a 12:00
Formato: CONOZCA A LOS EXPERTOS > 1 o 2 charlas seguidas de tutoriales en grupos pequeños para una máxima interacción y aplicación práctica


Dr Rodney James ROHRICH
Cirujano Plástico
Estados Unidos
Prof Jonathan M SYKES
Cirujano Plástico Facial
Estados Unidos

Las presentaciones

Horas Oradores Título de la presentación Resumen Número
09:00 Part 1 - rhinoplasty experts teach you their tips & tricks to ease rhinoplasty 33530
09:00 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33562
09:04 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33564
09:08 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33566
09:12 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33568
09:16 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33574
09:20 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33576
09:24 Three to four techniques that have changed the way I do rhinoplasty 33578
09:30 Part 2: latest concepts in nasal anatomy to facilitate rhinoplasty 33532
09:30 Practical anatomy in rhinoplasty 34294
09:45 Part 3 - the latest concepts in nasal physiology to facilitate rhinoplasty 33534
09:45 Practical physiology in rhinoplasty Ver 34296
10:00 Part 4 - how to simplify bone surgery 33536
10:00 Video based - my techniques to simplify bone surgery 33556
10:10 Video based - my techniques to simplify bone surgery Ver 33558
10:20 Video based - my techniques to simplify bone surgery 33560
10:30 Part 5 - how to simplify middle third surgery 33538
10:30 Video based - my techniques to simplify middle third surgery 33550
10:40 Video based - my techniques to simplify middle third surgery Ver 33552
10:50 Video based - my techniques to simplify middle third surgery Ver 33554
11:00 Part 6 - how to simplify tip surgery 33540
11:00 Video based - my techniques to simplify tip surgery 33544
11:10 Video based - my techniques to simplify tip surgery 33546
11:20 Video based - my techniques to simplify tip surgery Ver 33548
11:30 Panel discussion (all speakers) - what remains difficult in rhinoplasty 33542