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“A melhor e mais interessante conferência que já participei”

"It was a great learning experience, both the commercial and academic parts were handled in a very organized way and the quality of the talks was excellent."

Dr Ricardo SANDOVAL no IMCAS Américas 2024 Dermatologista, Colômbia

"IMCAS is one of the best congresses in the world, great experts from all over the planet present their ideas and innovations. Ideal for networking and improving participants’ skills. Great lectures and live procedures brighten the event. And being in one of the most beautiful cities in the world is always a pleasure!"

Dr Hudson Alex LAZARO no IMCAS World Congress 2024 Cirurgião Plástico, Brasil

"It was my first IMCAS attendance and definitely not the last! I learned a lot from new techniques and approaches to dermatology, cosmetics and aging science. The experience was really worth it and I hope many colleagues can join next time."

Dr Arron Ernt REYES no IMCAS Asia 2024 Cirurgião Cosmético, Filipinas

…centenas de novos e excelentes comentários recebidos a cada congresso...
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