Objectives: To standardize the assessment of the aesthetic patient in an objective and transparent manner and generate validated measurements and data for aesthetic results.
Introduction: According to the WHO, health is defined as a state of complete health and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Aesthetic medicine has been shown to address all of the three aspects of complete health – physical, mental and social well-being – with both surgical and non-surgical procedures. However, the assessment of individual patient’s need is based on the individual experience of the health care provider (HCP). Furthermore, it will sometimes be influenced by available or preferred treatment options.
Materials / method: An assessment tool was created by analyzing >200 original and derived facial variables in >15 facial regions via AI technique. The characteristic features found were validated using digital images and live assessments as well. The variables were summarized into common landmarks of clinical facial signs leading finally to a facial aesthetic index (FAI) and a facial youth index
Results: This detailed facial analysis of multiple landmarks e.g. frontal, periorbital, and perioral wrinkles, nasolabial and melomental folds, cheek volume, skin color, regional asymmetry, etc., lead to a trustworthy FAI and facial youth index. In addition the device supports the physician with data regards primary treatment options, prevention of overcorrection and monitoring of treatment outcomes..
Conclusion: Current methods for assessing facial appearance, attractiveness and youthfulness are mainly done by subjective evaluation. The Ai based device was developed to assess objectively the total facial impression and single landmarks. This novel AI-based algorithms are age adjusted, gender and ethnicity specific; they will help to standardize the patient assessment as well as to find the best individualized treatment options
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