Objectives: Objectives:
Understand MLA and LIOB/LIC effects in skin of color to treat active acne lesions effectively and achieve clearance within a week by inducing photothermal action on sebaceous glands by achieving it's trt i.e60ms.
Use of nanosecond laser to achieve picosecond laser end points and exploring it as a new and effective avenue as a less downtime combination treatment in skin of color.
Introduction: Introduction:
As acne is a disease of pilosebaceous units,which is a result of hyper androgen activity resulting in inflammation and then acne. Multiple treatment modalities from nonsurgical, peels to lasers and energy-based devices, and nonablative fractional and nonfractional are available in our armamentarium to improve acne lesions but most of them are very expensive technologies and are either only for acnes or with variable outcomes. 1726nm,1450nm,1540nm ,wavelengths were claimed to improve acnes
Of all the various modalities available, nanosecond 1064 lasers are available for the lon
Materials / method: Materials and methods:-
With the advantage of short pulse durations and gaussian beam profile we have treated patients of darker skin type on the highest of energy with varying passes till the end points achieved which in turn created photothermal damage on sebaceous glands making them less active and drying them up keeping the acne type and skin type of patient in mind.
Here with the reference to picosecond end points we have considered the mild immediate purpura and erythema as an endpoints which we can achieve by picosecond and which get better within a week without any adverse eve
Results: Results
An appreciable improvement in skin texture and acne lesions has been seen, in case of fresh acnes reduction can be seen in a week time as a monotherapy and the beauty was having lesser downtime, and in treatment resistant acnes it worked synergistically to give good outcomes.
Conclusion: Conclusion:-
Nanosecond mla toning induced LIOB/LIC can give picosecond laser end points without any adverse events in skin of color with the gaussian beam profile 10mm spot size even on the highest of the energy if the laser Power supply is constant,with the pulse duration of 2-3ns.,which further gives improvement in skin texture and acne lesions as a monotherapy in early acnes and as combination therapy in treatment resistant or hormonal acnes and with the Lowest downtime and offers a new avenue with the same device with the cost affordability specially in countries like india.
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