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World Congress 2019

聚焦 S335, S336

Video paper - Contributed talks: surgery

会议室: Courtyard (Exhibition Hall - Level 2)
日期: 2019年 2月 2日 星期六 从 16:00 至 18:30
组织形式: 开放式舞台演讲 > 在展区内的专用舞台上录制口头演讲


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
16:00 Reduction mammoplasty plus implants 查看 81099
16:15 Systematization of lateral canthopexy to improve periorbital contour in blepharoplasties 查看 69987
16:30 Direct brow lift: a simple and precise method to lift and shape the eyebrows 查看 81847
16:45 Role of hypotonic tumescent and microcannulas for reoperation of liposuction and local anesthetic minimally invasive liposuction (LAMS) 查看 81947
17:00 Mini/fast breast augmentation technique 查看 81515
17:15 Nasal osteotomy and the treatment approaches 查看 82481
17:30 Orbicularis turnover flap, a novel approach to enhance upper eyelid volume in male blepharoplasty 查看 82757
17:45 Circunferential lipoabdominoplasty 查看 82771
18:00 Gluteal augmentation with intramuscular implants 查看 83035
18:15 Facial rejuvenation - New surgical techniques 查看 83319