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IMCAS World Congress 2020

聚焦 S107

S&V Technologies Gmbh - Face shaping by using the principles of profiloplasty

会议室: Room 352 - level 3
日期: 2020年 1月 30日 星期四 从 10:30 至 11:30
组织形式: 企业卫星会现场演示 > 由赞助公司进行现场演示的教育和推广计划


小时 讲者 演讲标题 讲稿摘要 数字
10:30 Nose shaping using the principles of profiloplasty 98738
10:45 Non-invasive medical rhino correction with amalian (live demo) 95866
10:45 Non-invasive medical rhino correction with amalian (comments) 100839
11:05 Discussion 98739
11:15 Profile balancing with specific reference to the chin using the principle of profiloplasty 98740
11:25 Lips augmentation with HA according to the concept of profiloplasty 查看 98741