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4 演讲 / 主席 39 视频 55 参会证

Hugues CARTIER 医师


Hugues Cartier 与Sebastien Garson(外科部分)一起负责英卡思所有大会的全球课程。

他是 Dermatology Therapy 的副主编。

卡地亚医生是法国医学美容协会的副主席,也是法国皮肤科激光协会的前任主席。 他还是比利时美容医学学会的课程协调员。著作有:Les Lasers en dermatologie 2017; 嫩肤、LED 皮肤科 (Noe C.)、IPL / 美容医学 ; 章节 外科手术;皮肤科美容 2020

II、III 期/临床研究填充剂、毒素、激光和伤口愈合专家 。

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Hugues CARTIER's 的演讲和文章 (39)

Hugues CARTIER's 的发布 (4)

Restoring jawline contour with calcium hydroxylapatite: A prospective, observational study.

Sep, 2017

Jawline reshaping by replacing volume has become an indispensable component of modern facial rejuvenation. 更多详情

Journal of cosmetic dermatology

[LED lights in dermatology].

Apr, 2017

The use in dermatology of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) continues to be surrounded by controversy. This is due mainly to poor knowledge of the physicochemical phases of a wide range of devices that are difficult to compare to one another, and also to divergences between irrefutable published evidence either at the level of in vitro studies or at the cellular level, and discordant clinical results in a variety of different indications: rejuvenation, acne, wound healing, leg ulcers, and cutaneous inflammatory or autoimmune processes. Therapeutic LEDs can emit wavelengths ranging from the ultraviolet, through visible light, to the near infrared (247-1300 nm), but only certain bands have so far demonstrated any real value. We feel certain that if this article remains factual, then readers will have a different, or at least more nuanced, opinion concerning the use of such LED devices in dermatology. 更多详情

Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie

Photodynamic Photorejuvenation: A Review.

Jan, 2016

Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is acknowledged to be a safe and efficient therapeutic option for the selective destruction of actinic keratosis and superficial carcinomas. Over the past 15 years, topical PDT has also been shown to be a possible method for "photorejuvenation." 更多详情

Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]

Hugues CARTIER's 学术团体 (5)