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Peter BJERRING's 的演讲和文章 (11)

Peter BJERRING's 的发布 (43)

Reliability and validity of a Danish adaptation of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory.


The objective of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of a Danish translation of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), a self-report measure of perceived tinnitus handicap. The Danish version of the THI was administered to 50 patients reporting tinnitus as their primary complaint or secondary to hearing loss. Construct validity was assessed using tinnitus symptom rating scales, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Tinnitus Coping Style Questionnaire (TCSQ), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), and perceived tinnitus loudness and pitch. The Danish translation of the THI and its subscales showed good internal consistency reliabilities (c = 0.93 to alpha = 0.74) comparable to those of the original version. High to moderate correlations were observed between THI and psychological distress, tinnitus symptom ratings, neuroticism and maladaptive tinnitus coping. A confirmatory factor analysis failed to validate the three subscales of THI, and high intercorrelations found between the subscales question whether they represent three distinct factors. The results suggest that the Danish THI-Total scale may be a reliable and valid measure of general tinnitus related distress that can be used in a clinical setting to quantify the impact of tinnitus on daily living. 更多详情

Scandinavian audiology

Facial photo rejuvenation using two different intense pulsed light (IPL) wavelength bands.


Intense pulsed light (IPL) systems are increasingly used for treatment of photo damaged skin. In the present study, we investigated the clinical efficacy and safety of two different wavelength bands generated by the same IPL device. 更多详情

Lasers in surgery and medicine

Daylight photodynamic therapy with MAL cream for large-scale photodamaged skin based on the concept of 'actinic field damage': recommendations of an international expert group.

Jan, 2016

Conventional PDT (c-PDT) is a widely used and approved non-invasive treatment for actinic keratosis (AK). Recent clinical, histological and immunohistochemical observations have shown that c-PDT with methyl aminolevulinate (MAL) may also partially reverse the signs of photodamage. However, pain and the need for special light source equipment are limiting factors for its use, especially in the treatment of large areas. More recently, daylight PDT (DL-PDT) has been shown to be similar to c-PDT in the treatment of AK, nearly painless and more convenient to perform. To establish consensus on recommendations for the use of MAL DL-PDT in patients with large-scale photodamaged skin. The expert group was comprised of eight dermatologists. Consensus was developed based on the personal experience of the experts in c-PDT and DL-PDT, and results of an extensive literature review. MAL DL-PDT for large areas of photodamaged skin was evaluated and recommendations based on broad clinical experience were provided. As supported by evidence-based data from multicentre studies conducted in Australia and Europe, the authors defined the concept of 'actinic field damage' which refers to photodamage associated with actinic epidermal dysplasia, and provide comprehensive guidelines for the optimal use of DL-PDT in the treatment of actinic field damage. The authors concluded that MAL DL-PDT has a similar efficacy to c-PDT at 3-month (lesion complete response rate of 89% vs. 93% in the Australian study and 70% vs. 74% in the European study (95% C.I. = [-6.8;-0.3] and [-9.5;2.4] respectively) and 6-month follow-ups (97% maintenance of complete lesion response) in the treatment of AKs. The authors agree that DL-PDT is not only efficacious but also nearly pain-free and easy to perform, and therefore results in high patient acceptance especially for the treatment of areas of actinic field damage. 更多详情

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV

Peter BJERRING's 学术团体 (5)