Patients with febrile neutropenia presenting a cutaneous portal of entry for an infectious agent are at high risk of death (19-32%). If medical management is well codified, surgical management represents a therapeutic dilemma because the only available option is an aggressive debridement of the infected area which is associated with a high morbidity rate. Our objective was to implement a low-risk technique that is quick to perform and does not delay major surgical debridement if the latter turns out to be necessary. 更多详情
A calcium alginate dressing (ALGINATE) and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) are frequently used to treat wounds which heal by secondary intention. This trial compared the healing efficacy and safety of these 2 treatments. 更多详情
Macroscopic fat embolism (MAFE) has grabbed the attention of the plastic surgery community in recent years because of its high mortality rate. Many articles on preventing MAFE during gluteal fat grafting are available in the literature. However, total prevention is difficult: a number of factors, both technical and human, mean that MAFE remains a potential complication. This review was written with the main goal of providing a treatment plan. MAFE shares many similar pathophysiologic and hemodynamic features with massive thrombotic pulmonary embolism (PE), especially the associated cardiopulmonary decompensation. Lessons learned from PE management were used to devise a management algorithm for MAFE. The use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and its potential application as a main modality of treatment for MAFE was explored. The lack of evidence in the literature for the treatment of MAFE, and its high mortality, lent urgency to the need to write an article on the management aspect in the form of a narrative review, to ensure that every plastic surgeon practicing gluteal fat grafting is knowledgeable about the treatment aspect of this deadly complication. 更多详情
The management of pilonidal sinus disease is still not standardized. Currently, the two main procedures are a lay-open excision procedure with secondary healing or coverage with local flaps. The authors present their experience with a one-stage excision-coverage with an innovative parasacral artery perforator flap propeller designed to respect the aesthetic unity of the buttocks. 更多详情
In France, there are few up-to-date epidemiological data on breast reconstruction after mastectomy for breast cancer. The objective of the present study was to measure immediate and delayed breast reconstruction (IBR and DBR, respectively) rates and thus the proportion of patients not benefiting from any reconstruction. 更多详情
The submental flap is a pedicled island flap with excellent color match for facial reconstruction. The flap can be raised with muscle, submandibular gland, or bone and can be transposed to reach defects up to two-thirds of the face. The authors report the primary author's (D.M.) experience of 25 years using the submental flap from its original description to most recent technical evolutions in both Europe and Africa. 更多详情
The thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap is a reliable method of reconstruction by which the indications were on a constant rise during the last few years. Several surgical variants exist and different harvesting techniques were described. However, with our experience using this flap for substance-loss coverage, we frequently faced a complex and relatively time-consuming pedicle dissection. This brought us to adapt our harvesting technique according to the anatomical situations of the neighboring structures. The purpose of this study is to revisit and adapt the method of the pedicle dissection for the TDAP flap. The conservation of both the nervous network and a section of a circumferential muscular collar with a diameter of two centimeters are the main keys of our study. 更多详情
Pectus excavatum (PE) is sometimes associated with psychological and physiological difficulties influencing a patient's quality of life. Treatment with a hyaluronic acid (HA)-based gel may benefit patients and be an alternative to other more invasive treatments. 更多详情
A recent reform of the French government has shortened the plastic surgery residency from 5 to 4 years. Until today, the evaluation and validation of the residency was shared between the local coordinator for practical skills and, after the residency, by the French College of Plastic Surgery for theorical knowledges. The new reform suggests to add a portfolio that will follow the resident during his surgical training. Based on the French reform and syllabus of others medical specialities, we designed a surgical portfolio that will help the resident both with his practical progression and his knowledges acquisition. The aim of the portfolio is to get a national unity of the plastic surgery training. As a first step we will describe the actual plastic surgery residency. Then, we will detail what the reform is going to change. At last, we will introduce the surgical portfolio, its content, its use and its goals. 更多详情
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of botulinum toxin in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches. 更多详情
The choice of an implant by a plastic surgeon is often based on marketing arguments, believes, and subjective reasons more than real high level evidence basis. Furthermore, we rarely compare manufacturers with each other objectively. Therefore our aim was to put together information coming from the different companies available in France in a single article. 更多详情
Nipple inversion is defined as a non-projectile nipple. It is a frequent pathologic condition, in which the whole nipple, or a portion of its, is buried inward towards the lactiferous duct and lies below the plane of the areola. Numerous strategies have been described to correct nipple inversion. All the procedures have the purpose to give a good shape to the nipple, preserving its function and sensitivity, when it is possible. To avoid recurrences and to obtain good aesthetic results, we present a modified percutaneous technique. 更多详情
Perineal defects are encountered ever more frequently, in the treatment of vulvar cancers or abdominoperineal resection. The surgical treatment of vulvar cancer leads to significant skin defect. The aim of the reconstruction is not to provide volume but rather to resurface perineum. We propose a new solution to cover the extensive skin defect remaining after excision. 更多详情
The increase in the number of patients who undergo massive weight loss surgery has led to an increasing number of patients who complain of circumferential abdominal skin and soft tissue excess. Currently, the only surgical option to treat soft tissue excess is vertical median abdominal lipectomy (fleur-de-lys technique). However, many patients are reluctant to undergo this surgery because of the position of the scar. We presented a new surgical approach to manage circumferential excess - dorsal median lipectomy (arrow technique) - in which the dorsal scar is well-tolerated by patients. 更多详情
The SCIP flap based on a superficial circumflex iliac perforator artery (SCIA) was described for the first time by Koshima in 2004 as a large and thin groin flap, with a low morbidity. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the benefits of SCIP flap to cover cutaneous defects. We present a retrospective study from January 2007 to August 2016. Twelve patients had a SCIP flap reconstruction in the plastic surgery department of Amiens hospital. Thirteen flaps were performed. The average preoperative doppler mapping time was 8minutes. The average size of flaps was 62.5cm [21; 180cm]. The average time required for raising flaps was 61min [52; 82min]. It has not been observed any complication of the flap or donor site. The SCIP flap has a thin paddle and the donor site morbidity is minimal. The surgical technique is safe, accessible and precision is increased by preoperative color doppler mapping. The many strengths of the SCIP flap make it a must in the algorithm for defects management and come to revitalize the inguinal donor site. 更多详情
Over the past 30 years, surface imaging has made tremendous progress. Surgical management has also been subject of numerous technical and strategic developments. For a better understanding of the curative strategies of face aging, the authors have put into perspective the three-dimensional data acquired up to date. 更多详情
The understanding of the face anatomy is mandatory before to be able to appreciate the different surgical techniques of face lifting. Despite numerous controversies and anatomical variations, we can find in the literature several keystone works that allows us to understand that the soft tissues of the face are not only a superposition of layers but also a tridimensionnal structure with a fibrous system that links the different layers. This structures creates a mix loose spaces, fat and retaining ligament that can be describe in a quite systematic manner. This systematisation can help the surgeon during the surgical procedure to search and find the area where there is no danger and alert him around the retaining for example, which is where we can often find a vessel or a branch of the facial nerve that we want to avoid. This article summarizes these anatomical knowledge. 更多详情
In recent years, the indications of latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap decreased in favor of its version preserving muscle: the thoracodorsal artery perforator flap (TDAP). The intramuscular dissection reduce donor site morbidity but also allows an extension of the pedicle compared to conventional latissimus dorsi flap pedicle. The purpose of this study was to quantify objectively elongation of the pedicle when the perforator is dissected through the muscle. 更多详情
The concept of extended thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap was described in 2015 for breast reconstruction. Our anatomical study aims to identify the territories vascularised by the thoracodorsal artery perforator via the deep muscular fascial network. The second goal was to define the volume of the extended TDAP flap. 更多详情
The use of distally based neurocutaneous sural flaps (DBNCSF) is one of the most common methods of reconstructing the distal lower leg. However, they have developed a bad reputation because of their propensity for venous engorgement. Venous congestion that can lead to distal necrosis can be prevented by venous supercharging. Using a prospective comparative study, we thus explored the effect of venous supercharging on the reliability of these useful workhorse flaps. We prospectively included 38 patients who received a conventional DBNCSF and 38 patients who received a supercharged version of this flap (sDBNCSF) between January 2012 and July 2016. No significant difference was identified between the groups in terms of age, sex, comorbidity, or defect origin. The main reconstruction etiology was traumatic (open fracture, scar disunion, and chronic osteitis). The flap size was noticeably larger in the sDBNCSF group, albeit without significance. The length-width ratio was significantly greater in the sDBNCSF group (6.08 vs. 5.53, = 0.022). Venous congestion was significantly more common in the non-supercharged group (28.6 vs. 2.6%, = 0.01), as was coverage failure (23.7 vs. 2.6%, = 0.035). There are significant benefits to using venous supercharging of DBNCSF, when technically feasible. In our experience, venous supercharging increases reliability, allows the raise of larger skin paddles with much narrower pedicles limiting the morbidity of the procedure, and improves the functional and esthetic results. 更多详情
Medicinal leeches have been part of the therapeutic armamenterium of plastic surgeons for more than 50 years. While their use in hand surgery is a matter of course, their use in salvage of flaps with venous congestion remains facultative depending on teams. 更多详情
Surgical treatment of complete cutaneous ring finger avulsion is a challenge in hand surgery. When replantation of the avulsed fragment is not technically feasible, the surgeon must consider reconstruction of soft tissue. Many surgical techniques have been described. We report a case of complete avulsion of the cutaneous sheath and nail of the fourth finger with preservation of mobility and collateral nerves. The reconstruction of soft tissue was performed by a Colson flap-graft. This simple and reliable technique of reconstruction allowed to obtain a functional and sensitive finger with a satisfactory cosmetic result. 更多详情
Cutaneous defect of the hand and the upper limb expose the underlying anatomical structures. The reconstruction therefore often resorts to flaps. The ideal flap must be thin and flexible, allowing a good resurfacing and a satisfactory functional result. The objective of this study is to analyze the various thinned flaps, to reveal their advantages and to underline their limits. We presented a literature review on the various techniques of thin skin flaps developed over the last 20 years, bringing together 18 articles, and including 225 patients. For 3 articles, the skin flaps were thinned down by preliminary expansion and for the 15 others they were surgically thinned during the harvesting of the flap. Thinning the flap seems to be an interesting surgical alternative in the management of cutaneous defect of the hand and the upper limb, but it would be interesting to be able to compare the results of these thin flaps to those of the conventional ones. This study also led us to propose a classification of thin flaps according to their thickness in order to clarify the terminology. 更多详情
Although using distally based sural flaps is old and common, the described harvesting methods vary and often depend on unclear vascular anatomical data. We wanted, through a review of the existing harvesting techniques and our clinical experience, to synthesize these aspects in order to provide an optimal, safe and customized use of distally based sural flaps. 更多详情
Current data on upper extremity propeller flaps are poor and do not allow the assessment of the safety of this technique. A systematic literature review was conducted searching PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library electronic databases, and the selection process was adapted from the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis statement. The final analysis included ten relevant articles involving 117 flaps. The majority of flaps were used for the hand, distal wrist, and elbow. The radial artery perforator and ulnar artery perforator were the most frequently used flaps. The were 7% flaps with venous congestion and 3% with complete necrosis. No difference in complications rate was found for different flaps sites. Perforator-based propeller flaps appear to be an interesting procedure for covering soft tissue defects involving the upper extremities, even for large defects, but the procedure requires experience and close monitoring. 更多详情
Whether primary or secondary, limb lymphedema is a relatively common disease whose impact on the quality of life of patients is important. Although the microsurgical reconstruction techniques seem to be the techniques of choice in the treatment of limb lymphedema, no consensus about treatment of limb lymphedema has yet been defined. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of surgical techniques and their impact on the quality of life of patients, we propose a surgical treatment algorithm of limb lymphedema. 更多详情
Background The recent development of perforator flaps has changed the reconstructive strategy for common integumental defects and has refocused the attention of microsurgeons to donor site morbidity. We asked a representative panel of microsurgeons about the free flap they would use to cover a common integumental defect on their own body to investigate the best free-flap donor sites. Methods In total, 100 practitioners participated in the "FreeFlap4U" study, representing 77.3% of the French national plastic surgery teams practicing microsurgery. To assess changing attitudes, we also compared microsurgeons below 40 years of age (called junior microsurgeons, JMs) with those above 40 years of age (called senior microsurgeons, SMs). Results Perforator flaps were preferred for the first line (JMs) and second line (JMs and SMs) of treatment compared with other flaps. JMs emphasized lower donor site morbidity, whereas SMs favored reliability (p = 0.013) and considered perforator flaps as a second-line treatment. Radial forearm and transverse rectus abdominis flaps were largely dismissed due to high morbidity. Some microsurgeons were influenced by the potential secondary benefit of the integument sample at the donor site. Conclusions Microsurgeons interviewed clearly moved toward perforator flaps, such as the anterolateral thigh, thoracodorsal artery perforator, and superficial circumflex iliac artery types, to cover common integumental defects. In the coming years, we believe that this choice, emitted by the microsurgeons for themselves, will be applied extensively by these surgeons for their patients. 更多详情
The surgical approach of gynecomastia, sexual reassignment surgery in female-to-male transsexuals and the increase of number of obese wishing to turn to plastic surgery led us to deepen the anatomical knowledge of the nipple areola complex (NAC) in men, poorly retailed in the literature. By inspiring us of the methodology of a Japanese study, we studied 50 healthy volunteers male, from 18 to 55 years old, from July till August 2015. We measured various distances relative to the NAC to define its vertical and horizontal position, as well as the internipple distance according to the size, to the weight and to the body mass index (BMI). At the end of the analysis, we were able to underline a lower vertical thoracic position of the NAC in the tall category of person, a more side horizontal position to the subject presenting a high BMI and a linear relation between the BMI and the internipple (Em) defined by (Em)=8.96×BMI. The surgeon's judgment and the desires of the patient are essentials basis of therapeutics decisions that could be lean on this anatomical study, which allowed to establish an idea of the cartography of the NAC in man. It will be interesting and necessary to confront it with other studies with larger scale. 更多详情
Classically, muscular or omental flaps are the gold standard in the management of thoracic defects following radionecrosis debridement. Their vascular supply and antibacterial property was supposed to enhance healing compared with cutaneous flaps. The evolution of reconstructive surgery allowed us to challenge this dogma. Therefore, we present five consecutive cases of thoracic radionecrosis reconstructed with cutaneous perforator flaps. In four patients, we performed a free deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap and one patient had a thoracodorsal perforator (TDAP) flap. Median time healing was 22.6 days with satisfactory cutaneous covering and good aesthetic results. There were no flap necrosis, no donor site complications. We believe that perforator flaps are a new alternative, reliable and elegant option that questions the dogma of muscular flaps in the management of thoracic radionecrosis. 更多详情
Currently, increased interest in the perforator-pedicled propeller flap should not obscure the fact that it is, in reality, a complex procedure requiring experience and monitoring similar to free flaps. Through a meta-analysis, the authors aimed to identify the risk factors of perforator-pedicled propeller flap failure in lower extremity defects. 更多详情
Achilles tendon are common in patients after immobilization, therefore the reconstruction of a ruptured Achilles tendon with defects remains a surgical challenge. The ideal characteristics are a thin layer of skin, a strong tendon component, combined with a reliable blood supply and minimal morbidity at the donor site. We present a reconstructive technique using a composite anterolateral thigh perforator free flap, meeting these criteria, for the treatment of rupture of Achilles tendon with cutaneous and tendon defect. 更多详情
Axillary hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic and debilitating disease that primarily affects the axillae, perineum, and inframammary areas. Surgical removal of all the diseased skin constitutes the only efficient treatment. Covering an axillary fossa defect is challenging, due to the range of shoulder movement required. Indeed, shoulder movement may be compromised by scar contraction after inadequate surgery. The present study is the first to apply an inner arm perforator flap to the treatment of twelve axillary skin defects in 10 patients. The defect originated from extensive excision of recurrent hidradenitis suppurativa in the axilla. The technique used to cover the defect is a V-Y advancement flap or a propeller flap from the inner arm based on one to three perforators arising from the brachial artery or the superior ulnar collateral artery. The flap provides a tensionless wound closure and a generally unremarkable postoperative course in a short hospital stay. No major complications occurred. Two patients had minor delayed wound healing. Outcomes (including donor site morbidity, function and the cosmetic outcome) were very satisfactory in all cases. We consider that the inner arm perforator flap is a valuable new option for the reconstruction of axillary defects. 更多详情
It is reported that the salvage rate of free flaps is inversely related to the time interval between the onset of pedicle impairments and their clinical recognition. Monitoring of free flaps is therefore of major importance and clinical monitoring remains the most used technique because of lack of low-cost and non-invasive techniques. The authors suggested an efficient, simple and cheap technique to detect early thrombotic events in monitoring free flaps with skin paddle. 更多详情
The management of breast deformities can be very difficult in the presence of breast shape retraction. Percutaneous fasciotomies, which release fibrous strings, can be a very useful tool for shape improvement in the recipient site for a fat graft. 更多详情
Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap is one of the gold standards in autologous breast reconstruction. When the abdominal tissue is not available, the superior gluteal artery perforator (SGAP) is often a second option with its drawback, especially the donor-site deformity. Reports have highlighted that a higher and more lateral SGAP flap can be harvested to overcome several drawbacks of the classical SGAP, allowing in the same procedure a body-contouring procedure. In order to set the anatomical basis of this flap, we proposed to study the characteristics of a reliable and easily identifiable superior and lateral perforator of the superior gluteal artery (lateral SGAP (LSGAP)) situated in the region of the lower body-lift resection allowing to perform bilateral breast reconstruction at the same time. 更多详情
Tuberous breast is a rare malformation that has negative physical and psychological impacts during puberty. A range of surgical techniques has been used to correct breast shape and volume in this context, including a combination of skin plasty and mammary gland remodeling, as well as prostheses and locoregional flaps. The authors have used fat grafting as a complementary technique to correct tuberous breasts since 1998. 更多详情
Although many options are available for the management of perineal wounds after abdominoperineal resection, ranging from direct closure to flap reconstruction, treatment remains challenging. A better understanding of the aims, drawbacks and progress in perineal wound management after abdominoperineal rectal resection can help the surgeon make better choices for each patient, but it is very difficult to propose a single, optimal, evidence-based procedure for the management of pelvic exenteration. Recent progress provided by the extralevator abdominoperineal resection technique and perforator flap concepts have changed our conception of reconstruction leading to the different technical options highlighted in this review. 更多详情
Prophylactic mastectomies have increased during the last 10 years. Breast reconstructions with free flaps are performed because they provide natural and long-lasting results. In bilateral mastectomy, a simultaneous bilateral superior gluteal artery perforator (SGAP) flap can provide good reconstruction with autologous tissue and low donor-site morbidity. This report describes the case of a "body-lift"-like pattern for a simultaneous bilateral SGAP flap procedure. This innovative pattern provides good aesthetic results for the abdomen and buttocks and preserves the option of using a deep inferior epigastric artery and vein perforator (DIEP) flap in case one SGAP flap fails. After 3 months, the patient was very satisfied with the results. The SGAP flap remains undeniably an alternative to the DIEP flap when the abdominal excess is insufficient for a bilateral reconstruction. 更多详情
Air-powered guns can cause serious trauma to body structures. We describe a 10-year-old boy who suffered injuries to his gluteal and thenar regions as a result of a single gunshot. Surgical management included cleansing of the gluteal region, as well as an external fixation device and a fasciosubcutaneous flap based on a perforator branch of the distal radial artery. To the best of our knowledge, this case illustrates the youngest patient to benefit from this kind of perforator flap. We also underline the long-term risk of lead toxicity for this kind of injury. 更多详情